17772 BEACH BLVD HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 7148435000 5 customer reviews
   1.2 out of 5 stars

By Topic
Quality - How good is this hospital? 1.0
Compassion - Do they care about you? 1.0
Trust - Do you trust them? 1.0
Relief - Did the treatment work? 0.8
Recommend - Would you go back again? 1.0


Audrey M 14 September 2023
Verified User
Bed had a few stains
The hospital bed had a few stains on it which really grossed me out. Huntington hospital was literally completely empty and I sat there forever. They said they had no beds but when I went back there I saw at least 4 empty beds, and that’s literally just what I could see.
Blake 23 August 2023
Verified User
This place is a dump and a scam, and now a joke.
$7000 for a CT scan and an EKG—all of course after receiving no care from anyone while I was placed on a stretcher in a closet for four hours with no food or drink or anyone to help. Then after dealing with insurance who of course only paid $2k, the hospital then bills me for the rest because I’m Out of network. And after completely wiping out my saving to pay these people I thought we were done with this nightmare of a “hospital.” Oh, and today, TWO YEARS, after they “treated me” (sent me home because they said I was ok and nothing was wrong with me) they sent me a bill. Today. For NEW charges in the amount of $559. Well I haven’t been there in two years. So they can wait another two years because I won’t be paying. And I will be contesting and suing if necessary.
Queen Bee 18 March 2023
Verified User
Dont send your loved ones here
Dont send your loved ones here EVER! My dad came here from the trash nursing home facility up the street Huntington Valley... He was here for a little under a month. And they treated him like trash everyone but, one or two nurses. He suffered from 8 strokes. The staff seemed unconcerned with his state of mind. They left his meds in the window several times, threatened my mother to turn him over to the state, back dated letters to my mother so they could cover themselves with the lawsuits they knew would be coming... Social work Lisa stated as she left the room "this is why she cant stand black people,'" then said she has people when my mother asked what she said. Never told my family his full medical situation with my dad, then called adult protective services on us as we finally made arrangements to get him out.. Staff would leave his tray on the other side of the room so he couldn't get to water or food. Leave letters on his food as if he wanted to eat paper. disregarded our requests for help in seeking new placement for him. And ultimately just left him without water or food. If it was not for us being there daily his decline would have been more rapid and we could have lost him. taking him to a place for help to only get dismissed is disgusting and totally unacceptable.
thecatsmeow777 26 December 2022
Verified User
The standard of care is lacking
I was in the ER, as a Victim having been Assaulted brought in by ambulance last week. I was treated very poorly. The Staff rushed me out of bed after one test, the Dr only saw me Once, and they completely missed a fracture in my bone. The security guard threatened me with violence at the door. The standard of care is lacking terribly. I want to take my evidence to the Board of Directors.
RAH Admin 30 October 2019
Verified User