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Patients are on Rate A Hospital looking up hospitals. Show them why they should choose your business. Stand out from the competition with an AD by contacting us.

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Rankings matter to patients

When consumers have a healthcare need, they start looking for hospitals that can offer great care. You can reach patents as we are helping them decide on hospitals worth considering.

Grow your business

Join the community and start telling your story your way: add photos, update your hospital info, get featured in SafeCare magazine and more.

Help healthcare consumers get to know you     

Promote your brand with premium placements and sponsorship opportunities across our web channels, as well as our network of publisher, hospital ratings and corporate websites. Send us information about your business and showcase your business to healthcare consumers.

Connect with healthcare consumers   

Turn page visitors into patients. With an AD on Rate A Hospital, visitors can become customers of your business.

A game changer for businesses

At Rate A Hospital, we are committed to being a great partner to businesses as they reach relevant consumers and market their business effectively. We are focused on continuing to help businesses foster meaningful connections with consumers by helping them maintain loyal customers, and keep them coming back.