My very active dad came in for hip surgery. UAB highlands literally killed him with the neglect from the medical staff. Surgery was fine. 5th floor has the worst care of any hospital I’ve been at. I told the nurse repeatedly something wasn’t right with my dad. Went on deaf ears. We started requesting a doctor to look at him. After several request; a NP came. She apparently didn’t know what she was doing either. Said all looked good. I had to ask “2” times for a chest X-Ray of lungs before she finally agreed to order one saying she would order but didn’t see the need for it. Chest X-Ray showed he had pneumonia. Someone tell me how does a hospitalist(that checked him that morning), a nurse, and a NP not catch this???? Nor did any of them care. That’s what got me the most. That evening he was rushed to ICU, ventilated and few days later died. I hope someone with the power to investigate this hospital can get this hospital closed down. The nurse, and NP needs to have there License pulled and not allowed to be in the medical field. During this process my daughter went down to the coffee shop in the lobby and overheard someone in administration talking saying something needed to change there. There had been to many deaths lately in the hospital. WARNING…. If the hospital admin knows there are to many deaths but doesn’t get rid of any of the nurses or medical staff that are incompetent the whole hospital needs to be closed down. A family member with medical background said so many things were over looked and not tended to.