305 LANGDON STREET SOMERSET KY 6066797441 4 customer reviews
   1.0 out of 5 stars

By Topic
Quality - How good is this hospital? 1.0
Compassion - Do they care about you? 1.0
Trust - Do you trust them? 1.0
Relief - Did the treatment work? 1.0
Recommend - Would you go back again? 1.0


Rhonda Dunham 05 February 2025
Verified User
A year of not getting any answers from Lake Cumberland Regional Hospital
My mother had a fall, was unable to walk, crying in pain, bad cut above her right eye and was taken by ambulance to LCRH emergency room. Once there, blood was drawn and left on the counter, the room was nasty and no one was available to help or assist with WHY she was there. About forty five minutes later my mom needed to use the bathroom but was unable to walk. I had to go find someone to assist and was given a bed pan. My mother was in a lot of pain so I was afraid to move her and I again went for help. The lady came in and placed the bed pan then left and never returned to remove it. My mother stated that she did not place it all the way under her and she had urinated on the bed and herself. I then pulled it out and placed it in the tiny nasty sink. Later a young lady came in rolling a computer with her and started asking for payment information. I kindly told her that we had been waiting for almost two hours and still had not seen a physician and would not be giving any personal information until a physician started caring for my mother. The young lady said she understood and would come back. After almost two hours of waiting a doctor finally came in and ask what was going on. My mother was very upset and in pain (blood still coming down her face) and was trying to explain what happened. I started talking to him and he was very rude and hushed me. I ask him if she could get an MRI and stated that she would need a doctor’s referral. I told him that would not be a problem and I could get one faxed. He then said MRI’s were by appointments only. Dr. Had X-rays done and said nothing showed any wrong. I again asked for MRI and he stated he would have a scan done. Scan came back and again he said nothing was wrong. My mother still could not walk, and her eye was never taken care of. After 7 hours of being there he discharged her to go home. Next day I took her to Baptist Health Hospital emergency room and explained everything and they took her straight to have a MRI. Her pelvis was broken! They also helped with her cut above her eye which they said she should have had stitches. Total time spent there was three hours and forty five minutes! I called the LCRH to speak with the CEO and of course was pushed to someone else. I really hope and pray that this doesn’t happen to anyone else! I feel so bad for people that do not have anyone to help with their care and they have to go to this pitiful hospital.
Teresa Millsaps 20 December 2023
Verified User
Go elsewhere
Went to their ER for pinched nerve from a dislocated shoulder. Our Wait was close to 3 hours and I was told they couldn't do much for me. Offered me a shot of a pain killer that I'm allergic to! So much for reading my chart!! I will travel a bit further if there is a next time for much better care.
Jennifer Moon 15 November 2023
Verified User
The attitudes and lack of compassion
Once my dad was admitted to room 415 due to his diagnosis, I'd have to say a 1 star is pushing it!! One bad apple...2...who knows. I called to give them helpful information and apparently none was passed on or utilized. He had to ask for water, no ice, the attitudes and lack of compassion with a few were obvious. When he was discharged while I was waiting, cell phones were out for the 20 minutes while I waited. The worse was his room phone didn't ring in, we called and asked staff to dial out for him, their response was give them a few minutes, an hour goes by no call. If you're a nurse just for the money, you're useless!
RAH Admin 30 October 2019
Verified User