24 customer reviews
1.0 out of 5 stars

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1 Stars

Ashley 14 August 2022
Verified User
Stay clear
If you are able to stay clear of this hospital, please do so. A loved one was recently admitted & we did not have a good experience. Although some of the staff was good (hence the second star), most of the medical professionals seemed to not care (doctors, nurses)…terrible bedside manner & lack of effort to help. Having the patient feel like a “burden” is not the way to go. Broward Health needs to do a better job with training and staffing.
Monica B 20 September 2024
Verified User
I had a very unprofessional experience with some of the nurses in the ICU
My loved one was admitted on August 31st and showed signs of improvement until September 9th when she passed away. I was shocked by the lack of compassion and attention from some of the nurses. They seemed to lack people skills and didn't show care for their patients. I strongly believe that hospitals should provide proper care and treatment, and I think it's important for family members to be as involved as possible in their loved one's care. The hospital needs to assess their employees to ensure they all have a genuine concern for their patients.
Tiffany Fulmore 17 April 2024
Verified User
I’m very unsatisfied with our visit!!!!!
Years ago this was a Good Hospital to Bring kids but Now it’s ridiculous. My daughter came in today with a very bad cold. She is 10 years old she was place in a room with a crib, for three hours she had to sit in a chair not feeling well. They treated her sitting in a chair the whole time. I had to let her lay on my lap. After sitting for so long a nurse name Tiffany ran into the room and told us my daughter have to go sit in the hall way in a chair because they have a patient that is very sick. I’m like well what is my child SMH MY CHILD IS SICK AS WELL AND JUST AS IMPORTANT. The charge nurse come to the hallway where I’m sitting and tells me they really are packed and needed the room. I told her she could have told me that we would have left instead of being mistreated. I will Never come back again. We pay to much money in hospital to be treated like this smh.
Lisa Morgan 18 March 2024
Verified User
Total Disappointment
Starting from Triage to the Dr. that avoided my Questions. Thank goodness I had a great nurse…Sat in the hallway the entire time 4 plus hours for nothing.
Donna Quinn 09 November 2023
Verified User
This hospital should be shut down
What I experienced at this hospital was despicable. I was told to “Go to hell!” by one of the people that work there. There is complete disregard for a human being. I came in on a Sunday night and left on Friday afternoon. I can name every name, but I will not in this. I asked to take a shower and was refused the second time, and I asked to know when they were releasing me, but was refused as I needed to know to make arrangements to where I was going, there was no caseworker or anyone around. They tried to take my blood while approximately 3 to 4 people held me down, they were pushing & pulling me, did they don’t know what they were doing, and could not withdraw blood in my arm? I have needle phobia, some person comes in to my room saying they are going to do lab work. He startled me as he had woken me up out of sleep, and was holding cases in cases of test tubes and needles. I asked if he was a phlebotomist, he had no answers. I refused, and he left the room and came back with more test tubes. Not as much is the first time, I refused again, I later saw him the next day, mopping the floor.
Joshua RIVERA 18 September 2023
Verified User
Stay away at all cost
Most unorganized place I have ever been to.
Buck Rogers 09 September 2023
Verified User
Pediatric care sucks
You know I am starting to believe Broward health needs a total makeover. Not just this one location but all. I spoke up this time however because it was involving kids and a health care personnel. How dare you refuse to do your job?
Ryan 31 August 2023
Verified User
Still trying to add more charges more than a year later
More than a year later and this hospital is still trying to add more charges without any description when the balance was paid in full almost a year ago even after insurance. Really poor finance and billing department.
Angelina Cash 03 August 2023
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I would not recommend Broward General
Everyone that was sent here in my family died. I would highly recommend Memorial Hospital. The doctors at Broward General don't provide quality care to black patients.
dorothy allen 10 July 2023
Verified User
They let someone in labor wait for hours
My daughter was in labor and had to wait hours to be seen
Jessika West 27 April 2023
Verified User
The nurses bedside manner - NONEXISTENT
I have never experienced such unprofessional behavior, the way I did from this group of nurses. My husband was in for emergency surgery. Surgery did not happen until 2 days after being admitted. He was in excruciating pain. Most of the nurses on 5th Atrium always made it feel as if it was a bother to call them for assistance. They either had an attitude, showed up hours later, or simply just didn't come until they were called again. One of the nurses would even ask him "What do you want now?" The icing on the cake was when one of the nurses decides to come into my husband's room to tell him relay a message that I needed to leave the room so that some of the other staff could come in and "talk" to my husband and laughed while making the statement. Initially I was confused by the comment because I asked the nurses if it was ok to stay and I was told yes. In actuality this nurse was being extremely messy and unprofessional and would have never expected such behavior from a caregiver. On our discharge date, one of the nurses thought it was ok to joke as we were leaving and telling us we could not take some of the pillows to assist him with propping up while in the car. She literally stops me as I'm leaving to ask why I was taking the pillows (Mind you we waited over 3 hours to be discharged as they claim they were only waiting for the wheelchair to transport him). When I advise her, I asked if it was ok and the nurse informed me it was, she laughed and said "Oh, I'm just joking." At no point did I find this funny nor a joking manner. Even one of the other nurses asked if she thought that was funny. It wasn't!! I would never recommend this hospital to anyone. By far the absolute worst experience I've ever had in a hospital.
William Wareham 13 April 2023
Verified User
I was treated fairly nice up until I was discharged
The nurse who was supposed to care for me wasn't there to help me get ready to leave. He was supposed to call me an assistant or something. I was totally unable to prepare by myself. Transportation attendant came twice and had to leave because I wasn't ready. Also, they are 100% politically biased. All the madia was far left and I prefer to watch what both sides have to say. They even blocked two apps on my personal device. Not sure how or why they would do that but it is unconstitutional, and a violation of my rights. They even blocked Fox, and I don't even consider them as right wing.
Chris Rio 26 March 2023
Verified User
Life threatening condition was ignored for hours
Please read the one star reviews as they are consistent with my experience at this hospital's ER. I could write a book but no one would read it so I'll keep it as short as possible. DO NOT come to this hospital's ER for any reason, it is that bad. The staff treats people as though they are not wanted. My brother had a life threatening condition with extreme pain and was ignored for hours. A doctor eventually did see my brother and he finally was given some pain medication and then he did get the surgery needed that saved his life but GD this took so many hours. I do not even like to think about this experience but feel I must in order to warn people to stay clear of this place. There is something systemically wrong with this place, I wouldn't know where to start in order to correct it.
Mia Shark 22 March 2023
Verified User
This entire experience was a nightmare
I had an absolutely horrifying experience at Broward Health Medical Center. Not only did they fail to provide adequate care for emergency surgery, but the nurses in the post-op room ignored screams for help and did nothing to alleviate intense pain for over 30 min. The only reason I received the necessary medication was because my trusted confidant, who happens to be an Emergency First Aid Responder Instructor, intervened and obtained the care necessary. The lack of care resulted in extreme stress on the heart and nearly resulted in death. To make matters worse, after successfully ensured proper care was received, hospital security removed her from the premises for "trespassing". It is appalling that the hospital would choose to prioritize their own bureaucracy over the well-being of their patients. This entire experience was a nightmare. I would strongly advise against using this hospital for any medical needs, as their lack of care and disregard for patient safety is completely unacceptable.
Marilyn Rodriguez 08 March 2023
Verified User
March 3rd, 2023 went to E.R. after 6 hours finally got in, most people that were waiting left unseen by doctors. Once in I Had blood labs, urine. AND an ultrasound that was done so viciously it left me bleeding 2 days bedridden. On top of that the Rude doctor ignored my symptoms and said he's the doctor and refused me the opportunity to speak about my ailments, guy looks like he's on speed, anxious and irritated, his name is so long you can't remember it, he was tall with black hair, I've lived through rude people and hes in the top 3 for sure. Well he orders me another ultrasound comes in with results and says you are discharged nothing wrong with you. I asked for the name of the chief of medicine and he said he was the boss and walked away, saying sarcastically have a wonderful day. Well I go to HCA E.R. AND IMMEDIATELY GET SEEN. I HAD A VERY BAD INFECTION, HIGH WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNTS! ABDOMINAL SWELLING SAME AS WHEN I SAW THIS BAD BROWARD HEALTH DOWNTOWN DOCTOR! HCA ORDERED A non contrast CT SCAN AND IMMEDIATELY 30 MINUTES LATER Had A DIAGNOSIS THAT COULD HAVE KILLED ME IF UNTREATED! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS BROWARD HEALTH SYSTEM? I EVEN HAVE INSURANCE! PAID IN FULL ZERO DEDUCTIBLE! WHY DIDN'T YOUR DOCTOR DO HIS JOB? THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE. BESIDES THE WAIT YOU CAN AT LEAST DIAGNOSE AND TREAT PEOPLE PROPERLY ITS NOT THAT HARD. SEEMS LIKE HEALTH ISN'T YOUR BUSINESS MODEL. IM SORRY TO SAY. I REGRET EVER ENTERING THOSE DOORS.
Drew Jones 20 December 2022
Verified User
Worst hospital in broward county
A government facility and it’s takes 6-4hrs to get a room this is the worst hospital in broward county the staff?? Laughs and jokes while people are in need of medical attention SOMEONE NEEDS TO STEP IN THIS HOSPITAL HAS BEEN LIKE THIS FOR YEARS ON END
Cris E 08 November 2022
Verified User
Lazy nurses. You will get your pain medication an hour later then scheduled after surgery. Not once, not twice, every time.
Mary Fazzini 26 October 2022
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E M 16 October 2022
Verified User
Neglected and treated poorly
My 70 years old father was neglected and treated poorly after visiting hours was over on the 6th floor 6 tower. No food or drinks was given. No medication. The nurse Ashley was very rude to my father, don’t answer the buzzer button during the night time shift. The nurse never taken my elderly father a shower or change his urinal cup, his throw up was never cleaned no medication for pain… He couldn't even reach his phone because it was on the floor. I have photos of my father room... very dirty.
Skye Greco 23 September 2022
Verified User
Awful experience
I was rushed in the ambulance due to my tachycardia (a heart condition), my oxygen was low and my heart rate was super high. Everything was numb and fuzzy. Regardless of the situation, I was treated with much disrespect. I am also autistic and they put me in the most busiest hallway they had and I had a sensory blow out and had to leave the hospital before any test results were given to me. They hooked me on the monitor until my heart rate was 91 and then immediately took me off everything when with tachycardia your heart rate jumps up and down. I will NEVER step back into this hospital EVER again even if I'm dying. I will find a way to get to a different hospital. Congratulations on having such incompetence.
Ashley 17 March 2021
Verified User
My experience with the front desk staff was awful. They give out flyers with incorrect visiting hours and are extremely rude. Don't go to this hospital if you don't absolutely have to.
Lourdes Padilla 03 February 2021
Verified User
Bad bad
My son was baker act and was mentally unstable and they gave him meds and released him. He was unable to hold a normal conversation or answer a question directly but they released him without stabilizing him. If anything bad happens to my son it’ll be there irresponsibility of properly giving my son appropriate medical care.
Sanjana J. 29 January 2021
Verified User
Total Shit Show
ER department and medical department procedures were clear and staff performed well. However, received none of the several blood tests and information on what they gave me via IV when I was discharged. I vaguely remember a ER staff member saying Zofran and Gabapentin but no records of it were given to me. Total shit show. The psychiatric department was out of control, several osha violations. I spent several days waiting to see a doctor, new dr. each time I asked. The only way to be discharged is to take all drugs the different nurses would give you and not ask questions. Other patients screaming in the hallway, no separation based on reason for admittance or gender. Random patients would walk in my bedroom whenever. It was really a mad house. Bathrooms had no locks, I was so afraid to go and have one of the creepy older men walk in that I started peeing in the sink in my room. No support for taking care of yourself, my mother wasn't allowed to drop off deodorant, I was wiping myself with wet paper towels to clean up. No visitors, no counselors available regularly. Really difficult place to be when your trying to get back on your feet. I would never ever recommend this hospital to anyone and I work in construction where we have injuries all the time. I've been to this hospital with some of my employees before and after being admitted myself I am truly disappointed. I went there myself in my time of need looking for help and they took advantage of me and my $. Sent me off with 6 prescription medications and I'm only 26 with no real health issues. After a follow up with my PCP, who informed me they were just looking to put a band aid on the situation and collect $$
Dora H. 25 January 2021
Verified User
Rude Nurses
Some of the nurses and cleaning staff were rude and didn't treat the patient and visitors with respect wouldn't recommend anyone to go there